The Flower of Heaven
“The Flower of Heaven” by Tara Bianca is a deeply inspirational call to enter into Divine mentorship—to know our beauty, to love ourselves and others just as we are, no matter what has been done and no matter what lies we have believed about ourselves.
A mysterious wisdom within you has been beckoning you to open to Love and experience inner freedom. You are invited into the inner art of awakening the Divine heart through conscious friendship and the sacred path of love activism.
The Flower of Heaven is an experience of remembering who you are, why you are here, how to approach life, and how to playfully and consciously co-create loving relationships.
Tara offers an inspirational guide with simple ways to be in the power of you, while being at peace with others, and connecting deeply with the joy and radiant aliveness of life. When you embody peace, you naturally radiate your inner beauty… blessing everyone around you.
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Play Well.
Play Well is a direct & personal invitation by God to create an amazing world together based on freedom, equality, peace, and Love. Free book @ If you have yearned for aliveness, this is the adventure you’ve been waiting for. If you have yearned for adventure, this is the invitation you’ve been waiting for. You are being called into the adventure of a
lifetime! “It is my deeply humble and heart-felt honour to present this new story to the world.”
~ Tara Bianca
Read Play Well.
Stress Free Pregnancy
Stress, depression and anxiety can negatively effect the mental, physical and emotional development of you baby in utero and into adulthood. Reducing or eliminating stress during your pregnancy is one of the most essential things you can do for the health of your baby.
Over 100 empowering suggestions to create a stress free pregnancy and to create a peaceful prenatal experience for you and your baby!
An inspirational guide, with dynamic techniques and simple practices based on the latest prenatal research, to show you how to make the best choices to optimize your baby’s health and development. This book contains content so valuable to maintaining a stress-free life…you’ll use it even after your baby is born. Discover:
- The first step in having a peaceful prenatal experience
- A powerful technique to clear negative emotions, trauma and stress
- Useful strategies for reducing and eliminating stress
- How to shift negative thinking
- The best strategies for relaxing
- The worst foods for creating cellular stress
- Create a peaceful pregnancy with simple but powerful strategies from the Stress Free Pregnancy book!