The Greatest Lie Ever Told

There is a worldwide epidemic of people who believe they are not good enough. I’m here to tell you that you are lovable.

Video Notes

At some point in your life, very early on, you believed this lie that made you question who you are. It is the lie that you are not good enough. But the truth is that you are good enough!

There is a worldwide epidemic of people who believe they are not good enough. I’m here to tell you that you are lovable. You were born as love and connection.

Help yourself escape this lie and let go of this destructive thought-pattern today. Everything about your personality can be changed once you step into a new story.

Video Transcript

So today I’d like to share with you the greatest lie that was ever told, and the greatest lie that was ever told was told by you about you. It’s the greatest lie, it’s the lie that you are disconnected or that you’re not lovable or there’s something wrong with you or that you’re not good enough. And the truth is that you are good enough. But at some point in your life, very early on, your parents or maybe a teacher or maybe a sibling did or said something that made you question who you are. That made you question whether you are lovable. And no matter what they said to you, no matter what they did to you, no matter whether or not they were available to you, when you most needed them, you are lovable.

And whatever that lie is that lies most likely … The lie that you’re separate or alone or there’s something not good enough about you or there’s something wrong with you. The truth is you are lovable and actually you were born lovable. You were born as love and connection and where you came from before you’re born into this life was full of love and connection. And so when you came into this life and people treated you in a certain way, or they weren’t available to you in the way that you thought they should be available to you and you questioned yourself rather than questioning them. Or rather than questioning existence.

And the truth is when your parents were not available to you emotionally, when they didn’t know what you needed, when they were angry sometimes with you. When they mistreated you, even if they abused you, is because something was not right within them. And that energy of what was not right within them comes from them believing the same lie that you’ve told yourself as well.

And that same lie is that there’s something wrong with them. And they believed it. They learned it from their parents, they learned it from society, they learned it from existence. And so I’m here to tell you that we have an opportunity to change and stop the lies. And it has to start with you. Is something that needs to change and shift within you. So that you’re not passing it on to your children. And it comes from a place that when you have children or when you interact with children or anyone, if you can understand that their greatest need is to connect. To the respected and loved no matter what they’ve done. And no matter what they think and no matter who they are or what they look like. And so, one of the greatest gifts that you can give someone is the quality of your attention, the quality of your listening attention and the quality of your understanding.

And if you can understand, we’re all in this together, and you’re not alone if you’re feeling alone, because so many people in the world are experiencing this and there’s a worldwide epidemic of people who feel disconnected and alone. Who think that they’re not good enough. But you are good enough. We all are good enough.

And so when you were young, I’m going to give you an example to kind of give you a sense. When you were young, let’s say you were a little baby who was crying at night, and your parents didn’t answer your cries. And you thought, there’s something wrong with me that they wouldn’t come to me because if they loved me, they would come. And some part of you started a belief that there was something wrong with you or that you weren’t lovable, and you rested into that, and it became a program that was running within you.

It also could have been something along the lines of you started to go to school, and you started to get grades, and your parents were disappointed that you weren’t doing well. Or they’re upset with you because you couldn’t focus in school. Maybe they labeled you as not being able to focus or maybe they labeled you as not being smart or maybe even they labeled you harshly as being stupid or having some other issues. And when this happens, there’s an internal process within a child that basically has them think, if I do better, if I’m better, if I’m more lovable or if I’m smarter or if I’m better looking, or if I’m more focused. If I’m able to do whatever it is they want me to do, then I’ll be loved. I’ll be accepted and things will be better. But what if you can’t do the very thing that your parents or your teachers or your friends or whoever wants you to do?

There’s a confusion, and a frustration that develops within you. And then there’s this program that runs, starts to run that basically, where you tell yourself that it’s always going to be this way and there’s a hopelessness and helplessness in it. And sometimes within someone, what happens is they then become the embodiment of not good enough. They believe there’s something permanently wrong with them, and they’ll never be able to fix it. But some people can’t deal with the pain and suffering of that and so they do the opposite. They project upon the other. They make the parents wrong or they rebel against the parents. This usually doesn’t happen until the teens, but it can happen sometimes when children are small. And sometimes we see them acting up in very aggressive ways and then they get further labeled, and it’s kind of a spiraling down process for that child.

And so have you had any issues where you were that type of child who rebelled against your parents because you couldn’t stand the idea of you being wrong or you couldn’t stand the idea of there, being something permanently not fixable about you. To be able to fit into society or fit into your family. And I’m here to say you can let go of that program. You can let go of that idea because everything is changeable within your own personality and any labels that you took on, any beliefs that you chose to believe about yourself and any lies you chose to believe and make up about you. So that you could fit into the story of why people were treating you the way they did. You can step into a new story. You can step into the story that you’re lovable, that you’re intelligent. You can step into the story that you’re wise.

And I can tell you this, no matter who you are, you were truly born. As I said before, you were truly born as love and connection and you can return to that birthright, and you can choose love, and you choose connection for yourself and for your relationships as you step into whatever it is that you step into.

And let’s say you were a child who instead of acting out, you went into a contracted state. You went into a state of not being a burden or making yourself smaller or trying not to make any waves or trying not to be noticed for whatever error you think that you represent. Those places where you made yourself small, you can come out of those hiding places. You can come out of those states of contraction, and you can just let your light shine. And you can choose to be loved no matter what has happened, no matter what anyone has spoken about to you or no matter whether or not someone neglected your needs.

And so I’m here to say to you that you have the ability to wake up from the lie or begin waking up from the lie. To create a new reality for yourself. So I’m going to post some other videos on how you can do that. I’m going to post some videos and how you can come out of that shell of the lie that you’ve told yourself. So that you can truly be in the power of you. Being in the power of you, so that you can have success in all areas of your life. And you can shine, and your relationships can be amazing, and you can feel fulfilled and peaceful and joyful and every aspect of your life. And so this is an invitation. It’s a starting point. And so look for these videos, and I’m happy to invite you on this journey to awaken to the power of you. The power of who I know that you are, and you are love, and you are connection. And it’s a pleasure to get to know you. Thank you.

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